Customized promotional gifts

TailorMADE, are custom-made promotional gifts, where your wishes and requirements can be largely implemented in the product, because the production and branding itself takes place in the factory. As branding takes place with the actual production and there are no subsequent operations, we can bypass the usual technical limitations of classic branding techniques.

The main advantages of TailorMADE promotional gifts are:
⭐️ The gift can be completely personalized
⭐️ The customer can define the color of the material and branding
⭐️ Labels, all surfaces, zippered drawstrings and many other parts can be branded
⭐️ The gift can be packaged in the packaging of your choice

So if you have decided to gift your customers and business partners with a unique TailorMADE promotional gift, do not hesitate, but contact us as soon as possible to start designing it, because promotional gifts are not an expense, but an investment.

Would you like to learn more about TailorMADE custom promotional gifts? Read our blog TailorMADE custom promotional gifts

Such unique promotional gifts are highly successful in the market, and the gift recipients are happy to use them at work or in their free time, thus spreading your advertising message or brand appearance.

You can order your TailorMADE gifts in small quantities. The minimum amounts are stated on the product page of the item. We can assure you that the created presents will meet all standards and high-quality criteria. 

We have prepared even more information about such gifts in the TailorMADE custom-made promotional gifts blog.

Here are some more facts that will convince you that promotional gifts are the cheapest form of advertising:

  • 8 out of 10 consumers own at least one as well as up to ten promotional products.
  • 6 out of 10 consumers keep promotional products for up to two years.
  • After receiving the promotional product, 30% more people did business with the advertiser.
  • More than 60% of consumers gift promotional products they no longer want to keep to friends and acquaintances.
  • Small pots with logos have proven to be more effective than radio and television ads.

Why give a unique promotional gift? Here are the TOP 10 facts.

Entrepreneurs always think about how to carry out promotion and increase traffic in the service they provide. One of the top 3 thoughts is always how to make the best possible impression on the consumer. 

Many use those tricks they learned from their parents and their friends from an early age. Small bribes. If they were already rewarded with a smaller (or sizable) chocolate for virtue? Why shouldn't people in the adult world be rewarded for loyalty to a company or some brand? 

Consumers are very well aware of this and, of course, like to bring grist to their mill.  

This small bribe will play a key role when the competition is quite fierce and when two or more competing companies sell the same quality service for the same price. To entrepreneurs, of course, will, on the other hand, cause a lot of trouble to figure out what to give. Even for the closest ones, whom we know very well, it is sometimes damn hard to find a gift that will suit them to the tee. However, when we have the task in front of us to find the perfect promotional gift for customers, employees or business partners, where everyone has a different taste, we suddenly find ourselves on a mission impossible. 

But don't worry – you're not the only one who's aware of the difficult situation you're in. We know this as well. As a company with a long tradition in business and promotional gifts, we feel obliged to follow the technology's progress. And to explore new possibilities day by day. We want to be one step ahead of others and provide you with the most original promotional gifts, which will make a great impression on your business partners and customers and gain an advantage over competitors. 

The current HITS are definitely TailorMADE promotional gifts or custom-made promotional gifts. Read more about them in the TailorMADE custom-made promotional gifts blog, and here we present the TOP 10 facts about TailorMADE promotional gifts.  These will surely convince you that these types of presents are the right choice for your branding. 

FACT NUMBER 1: A TailorMADE promotional gift is not the same as a personalized gift.

Personalized promotional gifts are gifts that are personalized and made exclusively for a known gift recipient. So – if your employee, named Metka, has a birthday and you want to surprise her, you can give her a personalized bottle with her name on it. You can find our personalized gifts offer at this link and more about such gifts in the blog Personalized gifts or how to gift soulfully with a feeling.

In contrast, TailorMADE promotional gifts are made completely unique - according to the suggestion and idea of the customer. Therefore, logically there is a difference in the amount of the minimum order between such gifts. The unique gift pays off only if a certain minimum quantity is ordered due to the manufacturing process we have to carry out, in cooperation with you and various factories. The minimum order amount is determined by the factories all around. There, the unique product will be made depending on what you want to create.

Of course, TailorMADE promotional gifts can be further personalized later. 

FACT NUMBER 2: When making TailorMADE promotional gifts, the limit is just your imagination. 

When you're so far away that you already know what to give to your customers, the cute part begins. That is planning. Then you can turn on your imagination and start designing a product that will best describe your company and make the best possible impression on your gift recipients.

Take, for example, that you are determined to want to give a backpack to gift recipients. Then you can choose colours, materials, model. You can think about how many pockets the rucksack will have, where the zip will be and what material the zip will be made of. You can reflect will backpack have a double bottom, key pocket, outer bottle net and inside carabiner to which keys may be attached. You can choose if your logo will be embroidered, printed or perhaps embroidered on a particular label,… The possibilities are almost endless. It is only crucial that you know what you want and communicates this to our colleagues. They will further help you make your unique gift really special and bring it into the world with their knowledge and experience. 

FACT NUMBER 3: Even though it is a unique gift, you will not go bankrupt

When entrepreneurs decide what to give to customers and business partners, the first question in 95% of cases is price. You want to get as much as possible for as little money as possible. And we can't blame you for that. After all, with the large quantities you have to send out into the world, every penny counts. And it's important to you that as many people as possible find out about you so that your product is visible to a mass of people. However, the idea that you will save a lot if you choose a product in the catalogue and just print a logo on it is entirely wrong and originates from the past, when this was really the case. Today, we can make unique promotional gifts for an acceptable price. They will be equally priced to the promotional gifts from the catalogue for a certain quantity. So it's really worth thinking about what you want, as it's really achievable for you at this time. 

FACT NUMBER 4: Create a product in the unique colour of your company.

Can't find a product anywhere that matches the graphic image of your logo? Your green Pantone 377 don't fit in any way with the green colours of the classic promotional products you can get? Do not worry. Each product can be made in any colour you want. That includes Pantone 377. Additionally, a pattern can also be printed on the material, which has in recent months become especially popular.

FACT NUMBER 5: The key is in the details.

As you know, small things can make a big difference. Even if you look at a classic jacket, for example. You can quickly see that even a single exceptional button made of good material, which at first glance deviates from the average, makes a big difference and attracts your attention much more than a classic black plastic button. The same is true for other products. Little things you often don't pay attention to at all (e.g. quilted or custom made leather labels) can play a crucial role in whether your gift looks classic like from a supermarket or premium like from a boutique. Therefore, such small details should also be considered. 

FACT NUMBER 6: With TailorMADE gifts, time must be your ally.

If you need a gift tomorrow, it won’t work. Not the day after tomorrow as well. Or on Tuesday. At least not this upcoming one. The classic branding of the products we have in our regular offer can often be delayed, especially if you need a larger quantity of products that are not in stock in such quantities. But when it comes to making a unique promotional gift that is created entirely to your liking, there is no other way than for time to become your ally. 

Let's be clear. When you get your first idea for a unique promotional gift and turn to us for help, we need to coordinate first. Then we need to communicate your wishes to the appropriate factory where the present will be made. Before the final order of a larger quantity, a physical sample or a photo of the same is created. You will have to confirm it as a customer. Once the product is made and packaged, it must, of course, come to Slovenia and find its way to you. All in all, however, as you can see, it lasts almost as long as the Turkish soap opera, but everything sorts out, for sure! 

FACT NUMBER 7:  The choice of items is almost limitless. 

Who are your customers? Athletes? Hikers? Or maybe just excited about lying on the beach? There is something for everyone. For athletes, you can develop special bottles or particular bracelets used as clothing accessories and have a functional value at the same time. You can make special backpacks, bags, caps for hikers. There are singular towels, glasses, flip flops for fans of the summer months and lying on the beach. All you have to do to remember a suitable product is to turn on your brain and slowly start moving it from first to fifth gear. Let your choice be guided by the fact that you have your customers in front of you and that you know at least approximately what they like and what they will be happy to use. 

FACT NUMBER 8: TailorMADE promotional gifts are nature friendly. 

Entrepreneurs are thinking more sustainably from year to year, and such a mentality is becoming more and more common in domestic households. Reaching for products that are useful and environmentally friendly has become our constant. Therefore, our company is working hard to enable your custom gifts to be made from high-quality materials that are recyclable and obtained in an ethical manner or from renewable sources. 

FACT NUMBER 9: A nicely wrapped gift makes a substantial impression on the recipient and connects him more emotionally with your company.

Imagine receiving a gift in a crumpled black bag, similar to the product ordered from China and brought by the postman. How do you feel about that? But how does it feel to receive a neatly packed gift, preferably in a box and adorned with a good thought? Feeling completely different, right? You are not the only one. We all feel and think like that. Believe me, the good original packaging will evoke a powerful feeling when given to the recipient than if the product is received without packaging or in a poor one. Your goal, however, is to arouse emotion and make the customer bond with you and your brand. Therefore, when choosing packaging and various mini accessories that do not cost much, do not hesitate. The effect they will trigger will definitely pay off financially.

FACT NUMBER 10: The sooner you gift, the sooner you will reap the results.

As with any marketing campaign, even with giving gifts same rule applies. That is that after gifting best deals are made. So if you have decided to present your customers and business partners with a unique TailorMade promotional gift, do not hesitate. Contact us as soon as possible to start designing it, because promotional gifts are not an expense, but an investment.

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